Articles RSS

These articles are a collection of insights from leading engineering teams for several flagship projects at AccelByte and working on distributed system and protocol research at Actyx. However, they don't represent the world view of said companies.

The articles' topics are a bit random now. I need to group these into tags so it's easy to filter which ones are opinions, observations, about coding, etc.


Significance of Immutability, Extensibility, and Versioning in Persistent Data

Writing a program is all fun and games until someone persists your data. Your user data gets saved in the database, persisted! Some folks use your API, persisted! Your website's JS files cached, BAM, persisted! They're actually gonna be alright until you need to change something. When it's impossible to do without breaking change, emergency meeting!



Up until now, the fastest way information can go from one brain to another is through sound waves, pictures, or moving pictures. It is slow, compared to the connection between synapses in the brain. This fast-moving information media is critical to building complex concepts. I believe, a single healthy mind as an authority is a major factor in a successful creative endeavor.


From Rust to TypeScript

I was introduced to Rust in 2018 and has been enamored since. Rust is a system programming language, much like C++. Unlike C++ though, being relatively new, its language design is more modern and sophisticated. Writing with can feel more like writing TypeScript or Haskell. Not surprising since, despite being a language with a very minimum runtime and no GC, it derives many principles of functio...


Beyond Black Hole: A Shower Thought

I imagine that going passing into a black hole would be like walking into a downward slope. The height of the ground in this analogy is the aforementioned "effort" to fill up a space and pass a time. Being lower means needing less effort to fill up space and pass a time, hence being smaller and getting old slower. For the slope angle, the smaller the black hole, the steeper the slope is, and vi...


Beyond Automation and Reuse

“Effective people are chronobenders.” It all started with fire, lever, pulleys, and wheels. About two centuries ago humankind underwent the industrial revolution. Since then humans have been racing with time with its fastest steed, the automation."


Extending String into a Multidimensional Entity

The box is a thought experiment about a technique to overcome a problem with subtypes. After a couple of years of professional days as a software developer and a couple of years being a information technology college student before that, I finally understand what is abstraction, what can be abstracted, and what must not.
