Articles RSS

These articles are a collection of insights from leading engineering teams for several flagship projects at AccelByte and working on distributed system and protocol research at Actyx. However, they don't represent the world view of said companies.

The articles' topics are a bit random now. I need to group these into tags so it's easy to filter which ones are opinions, observations, about coding, etc.


State of React State Management is Absurd!

Why would anyone want a distributed system solution a single threaded app?????


We Must Talk About: Locality the right word unlocks a whole new dimension for our thoughts.


OOP Isn't Obsessed Enough About Time Control

Dog is an animal. Car is a vehicle. Why doesn't OOP ever talk about time control?


In Defense of Weird Names

Names are weird until you understand what they stand for and realize that sometimes someone need to stand for them.


Appreciating 2023: Systems, Types, and Philosophy

Today's work is particularly fun that it inspired me to write this appreciation piece for the past 2023-2024.


Control, In Itself, For You

When you run a program in your computer, a small slice of space and time in your device is under the programmer's control.
